Over 20 Years of Excellence –
Providing Asset Finance to
British SME’s
Who We Are
Catfoss Finance are leaders in providing a progressive approach to business finance for the SME marketplace
Catfoss was founded in 1999, now trading for over 20 years based from humble offices located in Yorkshire, providing business asset finance to the local region SME marketplace. We now have nationwide coverage and provide finance on a wider spectrum of corporate asset types for a diverse range of customers.
Dedicated staff available to discuss your needs wherever you are in the UK
We have built our success on a sound platform of friendly customer service, uniquely seeking to provide our customers with fast commercial decisions, suitable rates and facilities for most corporate asset finance proposals, as well as our ability to overcome traditional credit weaknesses, which all help set us apart from the competition.
At Catfoss we have dedicated sales staff available to discuss your requirements, wherever you are located within the UK. Our credit team has over 30 years of combined experience, across a broad spectrum of sectors in the UK SME marketplace.
To talk to one of our advisors call 01377 258 067
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Our success has been built with focus on manageable finance, value-enhancing assets and our customers. As Catfoss keeps growing the directors are always finding new ways to improve our systems whilst maintaining our ethos of delivering a personal service, with a fast turnaround for a mutually rewarding business relationship.
Existing Customers
Support for our clients wherever you are in the UK
We understand you may need help with your finances if the unexpected happens. If you are worried about making payments please get in touch with our Collections Manager Liz Woolas who is happy to talk through your options:
e: liz@catfossfinance.com and t: 01377 258 110 or m: 07943 156 906
There are also independent debt agencies who can offer support through difficult times, see links listed below:
Money Advice Trust: For debt advice and information go to nationaldebtline.org or call 0808 808 4000
Citizens Advice: For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau (address in the phone book) or go to adviceguide.org.uk
PayPlan: For debt advice go to payplan.com or call 0800 280 2816
Financial Conduct Authority: For guidance on how to prioritise your debts and budget planning go to www.fca.org.uk
Money Helper: For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice go to moneyhelper.org.uk/en

Giving business the credit it deserves

Catfoss Finance Limited
Elite House
East Yorkshire
YO25 5UP
Companies House Registered Number: 04218973
01377 258067
Business Hours
Monday to Friday
from 9am to 5pm